A Hymn for Father's Day
Murdoch MacKenzie
Murdoch is a member of the Iona Community and lives in retirement in Argyll. He has worked in India and is still involved in a variety of ways in the ecumenical movement.
Murdoch MacKenzie
Murdoch is a member of the Iona Community and lives in retirement in Argyll. He has worked in India and is still involved in a variety of ways in the ecumenical movement.
(Tune: Bunessan)
Child in the manger,* friend of the stranger, mothered by Mary, conceived by God. Part of a family, loving and holy, how we adore you Jesus, our Lord. Suckled by Mary, nurtured by Joseph, learning his trade with hammer and wood. Taught by his father to make yokes easy, as a good joiner certainly should. Today we thank you for our own fathers, who with our mothers teach us your ways; loving and guiding, always providing, hoping and praying, singing your praise. Thus may we honour father and mother, those you have given for us to love. May they be treasured, gratefully cared for while our life’s measured by God above. |
Murdoch MacKenzie
* Child in the manger’ is the first line of a hymn by Mary Macdonald, translated by Lachlan MacBean.
* Child in the manger’ is the first line of a hymn by Mary Macdonald, translated by Lachlan MacBean.